21 March 2008

Danny's First Concert

Talk about a good time!! As many of you know Elmo is Danny's absolute favorite. Since he was 6 months old, Elmo has been bringing a smile to Danny's face. He just gets a kick out of him. Thanks to G-ma' Jessup we got to go see Elmo live.

This was Danny's face going up the elevator.
(First elevator ride)

Here he is before the show enjoying the food from his ancestors ........The Churro!!!!

Who's that Danny?

First theater seat experience. He was too light to keep the seat down. He thought it was a game and kept pushing the seat down with his legs. Needless to say, the seat won.

Some shots from the show. Hey, Elmo's looking at us!

Ahhhh, family picture at the Elmo show.