26 September 2007

Under the Weather

It's amazing how one day you can have the healthiest baby in the world, and the next day they're sick. About 6 days after Danny's check up he got his first real illness. He gave us quite a scare! On Saturday night Cecilio had noticed he had a fever so we gave him some medicine but the fever would not go away and he lost his appetite. Now, for Danny to lose his appetite we knew something had to be wrong. We took him to the doctor and he let us know he either had an infection in his throat or a virus, and to make matters worse, he was teething. He prescribed some medicine and Danny is doing much better. Ahhh, the joys of being a parent.


The Jessups said...

ahhhh...he's sooo cute!! Hope he's feeling better! Your blog looks great!!

Anonymous said...

Hasta enfermo se ve que sabe posar para la foto!!!! Y sus hermanitos tambien!!! Espero que ya no se enferme......Besos !!!